Topnano’s ESG and Sustainable Development
TOP Nanometal Corporation (Topnano) is a manufacturer with roll-to-roll vacuum sputtering flexible electronic materials as its core technology. The sputtering process is a type of PVD (physical vapor deposition). It is an environmentally friendly dry nano- coating technology. No waste gas or waste water is produced during the process, which is friendly to the labor health and safety of employees. In addition, the target materials required for sputtering will be sorted and returned to the original suppliers for recycling and refining, responding to the circular economy.
With the frequent occurrence of extreme weather in recent years and major companies paying more attention to ESG and sustainable development issues, Topnano has also proposed the following ESG policies and implementation contents.1. Environmental protection
Policies and goals:
In terms of environmental protection, reduce the use of process materials, packaging materials, and office supplies, and reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, Topnano understands that biodiversity is crucial to the survival of all kinds of life and the development of human civilization, and is willing to publicly commit to ensuring that its operations comply with international, national and local biodiversity regulations.
Execution content:
1. Strengthen employee education and promote recycling of clean packaging materials.
2. Reduce waste generation by using non-toxic and harmless materials and reducing the amount of paper used in the office.
3. Pay attention to carbon footprint and include local manufacturers as one of the selection items when selecting suppliers.
4. Do not develop or construct in legally protected important biodiversity areas.
5. Comply with laws and avoid operations that damage endangered and protected species.2. Social Responsibility
Policies and goals:
Topnano is committed to creating a safe, healthy, friendly working environment that fully protects human rights, and hopes to operate the company sustainably. We recognizes and supports the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and The International Labor Organization's "Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" and local laws and regulations inform suppliers and partners to jointly abide by the company's human rights policy requirements when operating activities, so that internal and external members of the company, and customers can obtain Treat with fairness and dignity.
Topnano attaches great importance to customer privacy and personal information protection regulations and formulates clear policies to ensure that customer information is properly protected.
Execution content:
1. Comply with labor safety and health regulations and provide a safe working environment for employees.
2. Implement functional safety education and training to enhance employees’ safety awareness.
3. All working environments are air-conditioned to avoid heat damage problems.
4. Raise employees' awareness of customer privacy and personal information, set up data access and read permissions, and put paper data into a waste paper machine or tear it up before discarding it.
5. Pay attention to gender equality and relevant regulations on the prevention and control of sexual harassment.
6. The management and employees live in a friendly relationship, value the dignity of employees, and do not engage in abusive behavior such as personal attacks.3. Corporate Governance
Policies and goals:
1. Topnano upholds the spirit of corporate governance with integrity and continues to work hard to improve the company's sustainable operating capabilities.
In order to implement the company's sustainable development, Topnano’s board of directors adopted the "Sustainable Development Management Code" to clearly define ( 1 ) The implementation of company management, (2) Developing a sustainable environment, (3) Maintaining social welfare, and (4) strengthening the four main principles of corporate sustainability as the highest guiding principles for Topnano to promote sustainable development.
2. In order to implement the company's business integrity management, Topnano has formulated the "Ethical Code of Conduct", "Integrity Management Code", "Corporate Governance Practice Code" and other norms. In addition to requiring all colleagues to clearly understand and abide by the professional ethics, respect and we strictly abide by confidentiality agreements with customers and do not accept gifts or special hospitality at will. We also hope to invite customers, suppliers, business partners and other units with business dealings to jointly understand and support the core value of Topnano’s business integrity.
3. Comply with relevant laws and regulations on information security, enhance the safe and stable operation of the company's information security operations , ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets, and smoothly promote the company's various businesses to meet customer information security needs.
4. Topnano attaches great importance to cooperation and growth with suppliers, based on sustainable procurement, and responds to customer needs to formulate sustainable supply chain strategies.
Execution content:
1. Establish an ESG Promotion Committee to coordinate ESG-related matters.
2. Strengthen corporate ethics and integrity management and eliminate fraud.
3. Implement corporate social responsibilities and participate in public welfare activities.
4. Assess and manage risks, including regulatory compliance, supply chain and financial risks.
5. If the quality is comparable, the local supply chain will be prioritized to reduce transportation energy consumption and carbon emissions.
6. In addition to the materials specified by customers, try to find at least two suppliers to put on the backup list for the main raw materials to avoid temporary accidents that affect production.
7. If there is any unsatisfactory quality problem, communicate and report it as soon as possible. Both parties will understand and cooperate with each other in order to look forward to sustainable supply development.
8. The use of conflict minerals is prohibited.
9. Pay attention to whether existing international sanctions regulations and tariffs have changed to avoid accidentally violating sanctions regulations.
Topnano is committed to becoming a model enterprise for ESG sustainable management, and will continue to promote ESG-related measures and contribute to environmental protection, social progress, and sustainable corporate development.